Monday, January 5, 2009

A marriage made in Heaven???


It was almost immediately after Scott and Amy's wedding that the two moved out of state where Scott was stationed to begin his military career. The couple set up house on the military base. Nothing fancy, but first homes seldom are.

Amy was busy in the medical field, pursuing her career and contemplating furthering her education.
It appeared that both the bride and groom were eager to settle in to their new roles. No plans of children in the near future and they were carefully making plans to further both careers and start a nest egg.

But appearances can be deceiving.

Amy had a quick temper.
This was something apparent from the very beginning of their relationship.
Not only did Amy have a temper, she had a very controlling personality.
It was also clear that Amy wanted and demanded her own way in life.
Negotiation was not an option.
Amy told people what to do. She never asked, she told.
This is a trait that stemmed back to her childhood .
Amy played her parents as if they were her puppets.
It appeared she was daddy's little girl.
What she wanted, she got.
Her relationship with her mother seemed cold.
The two were often fighting.
Amy and her mother would cuss each other out on a regular basis.
What I found odd was when Amy and Scott were engaged, her mother really wanted nothing to do with planning her daughter's wedding.
Even stranger, Amy really did not want much to do with the wedding details either.
Instead, she asked Scott's mother to handle everything indicating that she was either too busy or simply too tired.
Terri dutifully planned each detail of the wedding.
And when Amy had meltdowns, it was Terri who shouldered the brunt of Amy's wrath.
Terri bit her tongue and fluffed off Amy's behavior as nervous bride syndrome.
The morning of the wedding, Amy bolted unannounced into Terri and Bruce's house and flew into a rage as things were not going quite her way.
She never noticed the house full of relatives. If she did, she certainly didn't care.
Amy came through the front door, guns blazing.
Screaming and carrying on to the point that my other sister, Judy, became quite uncomfortable with the situation. Judy, living out of state, had never met Amy except for the wedding shower.
And to Judy, this wasn't at all the picture she had imagined of the bride-to-be on her wedding day.
After Amy's outburst, she left for the church as if nothing was unusual about her behavior. Judy mentioned something to Terri about Amy's outburst.
It was clear that Terri was embarrassed, but she stated that Amy was probably just nervous. She hurried everyone off to the church and it was obvious that she wanted to end the conversation. The wedding went off without a hitch.

About a month into the marriage Scott made a call to Bruce and Terri.
Terri noticed that something was bothering Scott.
When she asked if something was wrong, Scott indicated that indeed, there was.
Scott stated that he felt he had made the biggest mistake of his life.
Terri thought that he was referring to his military career, as Scott was getting ready to be deployed.
Scott stated that no, it had nothing to do with the military.
It had to do with Amy and the marriage.
Amy's moods ran hot and cold.
One moment she could be happy then fly into a rage the next.
It was also at that time Terri learned from Scott that Amy was bi-polar.
She was on medications, but she often did not take her medications as prescribed.
Scott was frustrated and clearly unhappy.
He was beginning to look at his upcoming deployment as a welcome break from the fighting at home.
Terry and Bruce tried to offer advice.
Indicating that the first year of marriage is often the most difficult.
After all, they had just moved across country and Scott would soon be deployed. Amy would be by herself away from her family. Amy was bound to be somewhat upset and nervous.
But Scott was not so sure.
"Maybe it would be better to throw the towel in now", Scott stated.
Terry and Bruce told him to think things over carefully before making any decisions.
Give it some time. If ultimately Scott felt that this was a mistake, then he could make the decision. Either way, Terri and Bruce would support him. Scott agreed and planned to re-evaluate the relationship once he returned from his deployment.

Upon his return, he placed a weary call to his parents.
"How are things going, Scott"?
There was an unusually long pause before Scott answered their question.
"Amy just announced she is pregnant, so much for divorce".


1 comment:

  1. Sitting patiently waiting for the next installation..............
